
by 06:57 0 comments

Someone told me once, time flies the minute you hit 21. I laughed it off, but damn, it is true.

It's sometimes hard to believe that I'm turning 25 this year. Really, are you kidding me? I spent the first 6 years of my childhood running around in playgrounds and wreaking havoc in my parents' lives. The next 10 years were made up of countless hours in school learning things I no longer remember, and subjects that are not at all applicable to me now. From the age of 17 to 23, I finally took steps to develop myself, to explore areas of interest, stepping out of my comfort zone to attempt things I never thought I would. 

Since I finally graduated from university 2 years ago, there were some moments I later learnt the term as "quarter-life crisis". They come similar to panic attacks, times when questions keep popping in my head. 

- What am I doing with my life?
- Do I like my job? Am I happy with my job?
- Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life? 
- What if something happens? Some sort of crisis that will make me lose everything? 
- What will I lose.. What do I actually own? 
- Do I have enough money to make it in life? Will I earn enough money for a good life ahead? 
- How do I compare with my peers? Am I better off, or worse?

I am still having these moments and to be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with them. 
They make me feel terribly useless, and lost. But yet, they keep me in check, constantly spurring to become better. To let it be a motivation, or a discouragement - it is completely in my hands (and head). 

It's been ages since I last wrote something in English (since most of the times I type in short-handed Greek to most people e.g. Fuji IX / CR / AR / NAD / OH / HA POIG) I may be really bad in my grammar and so too very proficient in Singlish but oh well. I am hereby giving myself a pat on the back for starting to do this, something I have been wanting to do, to share bits of my life and the little bit of knowledge or skills I have, and the random whatnots. 

Thank you to my beloved Mr Fu for giving me the courage to kickstart this. 

A tiny step forward, to fulfil my dreams. Whatever it/they may be. 



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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